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Tech Support Test

Test to demonstrate proficiency in Technical Support for Duda Energy

Last revision: 05/02/2017



Note to test takers:

                There will likely be some sections of this test which you have received zero training on. Do not be discouraged. Unlike Customer Support Tier 2, where one must know a little bit about everything, and good tech support has high proficiency in a few key areas. As such, this test is designed to have hard questions about a very wide range of subjects, and as such 60% is considered a passing grade.

Be aware the questions have been weighted based on how important the question is to sales – the harder questions are not necessarily worth more, so use your time wisely.

In addition, tech support is about being able to find information, not memorization. As such you will have access to google, the website, and any notes and emails you may have during this test.

120 possible points
15 possible bonus points












Section 1) Heat Exchangers

1A (5 pts) If a customer is chilling beer, what is the best heat exchanger, for the price, that we carry?

1B (5 pts) Briefly explain the difference between the benefits of purchasing a longer heat exchanger versus purchasing a heat exchanger with more plates. 

1C (3 pts) Briefly explain how to clean a heat exchanger.

1D (7 pts) Using the GEA software, provide a recommendation for a customer with the following data:



Hot Fluid

                Substance: water

                Drop: 10 psi

                Flow Rate: 1 gpm

                In Temp: 212 F

                Out Temp: 78 F



                Cold Fluid

                Substance: water

                Drop: 10 psi

                Flow Rate: 5 gpm

                In Temp: 58 F

                Out Temp:  F





1E (3 pts) Using the data and recommendation you provided from the previous question, how long will it take to chill a 3 barrel batch?

Section 2) Chemicals

2A (2 pts) List 3 chemicals which cannot ship in the same box as sodium hydroxide.

2B (3 pts) List the following chemicals from lowest pH to highest pH:
Sodium Hydroxide, Water, Sulfuric Acid, Citric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate


2C (5 pts) Match the following common names with their technical names. Not all will be used. Some will have duplicates.



Caustic Soda
Glauber’s Salt
Baking Soda
Soda Ash
Vitamin C
Wood Alcohol












Acetic Acid
Ascorbic Acid
Sodium Hydroxide
Potassium Hydroxide
Sodium Sulfate
Hydrochloric Acid
Calcium Carbonate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Denatured Alcohol
Sodium Carbonate




2D (8 pts) Match the following chemicals with projects they are used for. All uses will have multiple answers.



Acetic Acid
Sodium Hydroxide
Potassium Hydroxide
Citric Acid
Vegetable Glycerin
Propylene Glycol
Sodium Chlorate
Sulfuric Acid
Sodium Bicarbonate
Potassium Nitrate













Gold refining
Rust Removal
Soap Making
Bath Bombs


2E (2pts) Briefly describe 2 different ways to make aqua regia.

2F (bonus, 5pts)) 2B was a trick question. There is a correct answer with all 5 chemicals listed, and a correct answer with only 2 chemicals listed. If you listed all 5, you are not necessarily wrong. For this bonus, list only 2 of the chemicals, and explain why you chose those two.

2G (bonus, 5pts)) If you have 85% phosphoric acid, and want to make a 20% solution, how much of the product and how much water should you mix to make a 10 liter solution (hint: this can be done using only google and our website without having to know any of the math)

Section 3) Solar Systems

3A (9 pts) Describe at least 3 differences between active and passive solar systems

3B (9 pts) What is a good size system for a family of 4 who is not doing radiant floor heating?

3C (3 pts) List 3 parts which are included in our turnkeys but not in our standard system, and describe how they are useful to the customer.

3D (7 pts) For a customer located at 1112 Brooks St SE, Decatur Al, 35601, how many BTU’s per day can they expect to get in the month of March per set of 30 tubes if they also get reflectors?


3E (5 pts) If a customer’s tank is not heating up, but the collector is, and P1 is flashing on the screen, what is the most likely issue?

3F (3 pts) What are the differences between a standard passive system and the higher priced stainless steel passive system? Be specific.


3G (9 pts) For a 15ft x 20ft pool, 5 ft deep, with no cover, no shade, no external heat source, and a fence in San Diego, CA, how many pool collectors will it take to get 78 degree water for at least 150 days of the year?

3G (5 pts) Give at least one reason why evacuated tubes are more efficient than flat panel collectors.

3H (bonus, 5 pts) Describe at least two drawbacks of a drainback system when compared to our active system.


Section 4) Solenoids

4A (3 pts) Should Brass or Stainless steel solenoids be used for biodiesel production? Why?

4B (3 pts) Imagine we have the following items in stock. How many Brass, Normally Closed, 1.5” valves could we provide to the customer?



10x  coil410:12v
10x  coil510:12v
12x  coil510:110v
13x  coil510:220v
14x  coil610:110v
15x  2W40040N:110v
16x  2W40040N:12v
17x  2W40040N:220v
18x  2W20020N:110v
19x  2W20020N:220v


4C (2 pts) What is the maximum amperage of a 2W20020N:110v?

4D (2 pts) If a customer has 10gpm water, and a 2W20020N:110v, what is their pressure drop across the valve?

4E (2 pts) Assume I have a 1” solenoid valve wired to 110vac. Explain how to connect a YS-3800 timer.

Section 5) Miscellaneous

5A (3 pts) If you were going to brew beer at home, which fittings would you choose for your heat exchanger, and why (this is personal preference, there is no wrong answer – but you do need to be able to explain your choice)?


5B (2 pts ) If I live in Nome, Alaska, what is the optimal angle of a solar panel during the autumnal equinox?

5C (1 pt) Chipblaster purchases stainless steel heat exchange coils from us. Give at least one pro and one con of using stainless instead of copper.

5D (1 pt) What is the benefit of getting an LED with an external driver rather than internal?

5E (1 pt) How much more KOH is needed compared to NaOH as the catalyst for biodiesel production?

5F (1 pt) If I have 100 gallons of waste vegetable oil, 100 gallons of methanol, 10 lbs of sodium hydroxide, and 5 gallons of sulfuric acid, approximately how many gallons of biodiesel can I make?

5G (2 pts) If you have a 1”, Stainless steel 304, schedule 40, 150 psi closed nipple, how thick are the walls of the fitting?



5H (4 pts) List the following sizes from smallest pore size to largest:
0.5 micron, 200 mesh, 200 micron, 80 mesh, 25 micron